Literature Review

By analyzing the findings of many researcher’s studies regarding gendered stereotypes and representation specifically influencing children and pre-teens, it is clear that there is a lot of information about how different modes of popular media, relationships, and social institutions affect boys’ and girls’ conceptions of femininity and masculinity. Each source however covered different topics relevant to my research. The research question I have proposed can be supplemented by these researcher’s previous studies and provide information of where more knowledge on the topic is needed. These studies can be divided into five main sections; studies done on the perpetuation of a heteronormative, male-dominated society, influential factors on children and pre-teens, gendered occupational effects, how these gender representations and stereotypes are reflected in television shows/movies, and lastly influential social/ feminist movements.

After reading and analyzing a multitude of different studies and sources that discuss gender representation and children, I learned a lot about what information was already studied in-depth as well as where there was information lacking. I found that for years people have been studying how peers, family, media, and school influence young girls and boys. Although these longitudinal studies are helpful in proving that these factors do perpetuate a patriarchal society and gendered stereotypes, there has been no recent comparison in regard to the later waves of feminism and one channel’s shows. In my research, I am going to look at five Disney channel shows with female leads and see how their characteristics have changed over the course of 20 years; 2000-2020. Unlike the past research done, I will be looking at a variety of shows and time frames. Another way that my research will be unique is by looking mainly at women not in comparison to men but in comparison to their characterization over time.

Explore Themes:

The Perpetuation of a Heteronormative, Male-Dominated Society

Influential Factors on Children and Pre-teens

Occupational Effects

Gender Representation in Television and Movies

Events and Feminist Movements