About the Author

My name is Saige Alpeter. I am currently a senior graduating from Gettysburg College this Spring. I am a Sociology major and Business minor. This site represents my capstone research project on the characterization of female characters on Disney Channel.

Throughout my college career, I have been interested in studying gender inequality and as a woman entering the business world after graduation I thought it would be intriguing to look at how female stereotypes are represented to the young girls exposed to these shows. Additionally, I am looking to go into sales and marketing so doing a study focused on critically analyzing media in a topic I am passionate about has strengthened my skills and given me excellent experience as I enter into the job market.

After Graduation Plans and Long Term Goals

Although I do not have a job yet, I will be moving to Boston in June and am looking forward to continuing my job search from there. I have been focused on looking at jobs in sales and marketing. In the short term, I want to begin in sales in order to understand the foundation of a business. I think sales is a really important place to start and if anyone is going to be successful in the business world, a background in sales is crucial because you gain insight into many aspects of the company.

This leads to my long-term goal of moving to marketing and market research. Whatever position I do end up in, both the short term and long term, I want to be a role model and leader. My goals are very broad, however as I continue to gain experience, narrow my job search, and remain true to my values and what I look for in a company I will be able to stay on the path I am imagining for myself. I value my liberal arts education at Gettysburg College that has made it possible for me to explore a variety of career paths and makes me feel like there are no limits to where and how I can apply my education. I am confident that my experience in this course as well as my education at Gettysburg has prepared me for success.